My Journey Begins, My Cannabis Awakening.

As a super busy mom of five, wife, full-time professional, I sometimes feel overwhelmed, sometimes exhausted, other times completely exhilarated, and then I hit bottom. Before being diagnosed with bipolar depression, I found that cannabis helped me maintain my sanity.  When using cannabis, I experienced a calm and my mood swings happened less but, keep in mind, at the time, using cannabis was seriously frowned upon.

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How This Journey Began . . .

I am being completely honest in saying, I never really knew what I wanted to ‘DO’ with my life. I often wondered if my lack of passion meant my heart was forever FLAWED. Everyone I knew had a burning desire for something and most were pursuing it like a BOSS. And here I was, begrudgingly excelling in my professional life, feeling indifference to the day to day functions of my career in business.

I was lacking that SPARK of fervor driving me to succeed in something. . . ANYTHING.

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